As per the latest reports, more than half of the world now uses social media. As a social media agency, we are continuously curating on best practices and ways to achieve a higher reach for business accounts. Social media users have grown by more than 10 percent over the past year, taking the global total to 3.96 billion by the start of July 2020. The global digital landscape is still evolving rapidly as we enter the second half of 2020, with the ongoing Coronavirus pandemic continuing to influence and reshape various aspects of people’s daily lives. Growth trends indicate that an average of more than 1 million people started using social media for the first time every single day over the past 12 months, equating to almost 12 new users every second. Most of the social media channels have lowered their organic reach and are closely curating everything being posted over the web.
The latest statistics show that a post’s average organic reach is only around 6.4% of the Page’s total likes.
Hold on before you think that organic reach is dead because the focus shift has been only to promote the posts which have good content and quality. The recent push to provide users with more relevant content has ensured that organic reach will always play a part, even if its importance has lessened over the years. And there are some things that you can do to make sure you’re reaching as many people as you can, without opening your wallet. How to leverage your organic reach over social media?
Here are 5 easy ways to improve organic reach on social media
- Follow Unique Strategies for Each Social Media Channel- Not all channels have similar audiences and also not all social media channels are suited for all businesses. So, when it comes to devising on to social media strategy, follow a uique and separate approach for each of the channels. For instance, your Instagram account is inherently going to be more image-heavy. One can use their Facebook page to share blog posts, and post news updates or small video clips, while ones Twitter account can be used for networking, promotional activities, and even customer support. Your LinkedIn posts should probably carry a more professional tone than your tweets, and Snapchat can be used to take your followers behind the scenes. Using hashtags can help you over Instagram and Twitter but great visual and timing is the key on Facebook.
- Focus on Quality Content- One of the ways to ensure that your content will be relevant to the audience that you’re targeting is to create an audience persona. The more specific you get here, the better. It’s easy to define your target audience as millennial men, but if you get more specific and define them as men between the ages of 20-25 who live in urban areas, have a particular household income range, and are interested in charity, it’ll be much easier for you to create content that they’ll connect with.
- Maintain Consistency- This becomes very vital as the algorithm even favours pages who show up every day and follow a consistent posting practice. Every social media channel offer insights which can help you understand when your audience is online and what is the content type they mostly engage with. When it comes to page feed for users, social media channels showcase posts which they are most likely to engage with and also favour more consistent accounts for end-users feed. So, to gain better organic reach, consistency is vital.
- Follow a ‘cock-tail approach’- A Cocktail approach refers to not only sharing content which talks about your business but also something informative in our industry or niche. After all, social media is all about being social in your business landscape. If you’re sharing content that your audience finds useful, they’re more likely to trust you as a brand. Curating can also help take a load off you with respect to creating content. However, it’s important to keep balance. Don’t overload your profiles with content from other people. The content you create should always be shared more than the content you curate.
- Use Influencers to Grow Your Organic Reach- Use influencers to further your brand voice and personality. Whether you ask them to make posts about your brand or products, or you organize a takeover, your influencer’s followers will find you. And if your posts are interesting, relevant, and engaging, you might just hold on to some of them yourself. If your newsfeed is awesome, might be that someone would reach out to collaborate. Take this opportunity as it helps to enhance the reach through shared audience.
- Bonus Tip- Never Ignore Hash Tags- If you feel bogged down by hashtag uses, we would advise you to re-design your hashtag strategy. If you are using only “popular hashtags” or hashtags having more number of posts made on over social media, the chances are that your post might not perform well. You need to include a mix of popular, industry-specific, user-specific and local search hashtags in your strategy. This can leverage your organic reach beyond the horizons.
While organic reach is very much alive, don’t be surprised if its relevance continues to dwindle. Considering the trend, it’s a good idea to invest in ads and promote your posts and profiles to get as much reach as you can. But that doesn’t mean you should ignore organic reach—just follow these tips and you’ll see it grow steadily.
If you are looking for a trusted social media agency to manage your brand assets, you may reach out to our experts.
Know of anything we’ve missed? Leave a comment below, and we’ll be sure to get in touch with you!
Amit is a Digital nomad at Amiure International. An avid learner who believes in the magic of Words and Music. Eternal Optimist. Book Lover. Cinephile. Creative Soul, Down to Earth human. Connect to Know more!!